Thomas Woodruff’s Freak Parade
Thomas Woodruff’s Freak Parade
Thomas Woodruff’s Freak Parade
Thomas Woodruff’s Freak Parade
Thomas Woodruff’s Freak Parade
Thomas Woodruff’s Freak Parade
Thomas Woodruff’s Freak Parade

Thomas Woodruff’s Freak Parade

Robin Read, Athens, New York, 2006


Thomas Woodruff’s Freak Parade is a sequential series of 32 large paintings, created with both exhibition and book form in mind. Mr. Woodruff’s paintings are major endeavors of delicate detail that resonate with many layers of meaning and levels of activity. Like an onion, small worlds unfold from within larger ones inside his complex and ambitious compositions.

The trip from gallery wall to coffee table required that an intimacy between the viewer and the work be maintained, even augmented. When reduced for publication, Woodruff’s beautifully painted prose becomes more of an abstract element. With the use of an eclectic collection of typefaces on plain white pages, the text is ushered forward onto a new plane to emphasize its poetry, cadence and sound. The resulting dialogue between the handmade lettering and the modern typography enhances and energizes the experience of the book form.

Juror Notes

“Rich, dark, midnight oil fuels this deep imagination.”
“A masterpiece of obsessive creation.”
“This wonderfully freaky type is almost as wonderfully freaky as Tom Woodruff himself.”

Collections: AIGA 365: 28 (2007)
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Typographic design
Format: Book, Type design


Design firm
Robin Read
Creative director
Thomas Woodruff
Art director/designer
Robin Read
Thomas Woodruff
Fred Moreno
Carlo McCormick, Thomas Woodruff
Prolong Press
Hardy Marks Publications
Thomas Woodruff