Savannah Film Festival Guide
Savannah Film Festival Guide
Savannah Film Festival Guide
Savannah Film Festival Guide
Savannah Film Festival Guide
Savannah Film Festival Guide
Savannah Film Festival Guide

Savannah Film Festival Guide

Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, Georgia, 2006


The 2006 Savannah Film Festival guide provides comprehensive information on the events, films and special guests involved in the annual weeklong festival hosted by the Savannah College of Art and Design. The guide’s design pays homage to the introduction of George Eastman’s yellow packaging for Kodak film, first introduced in 1905 and now distinctive of the brand. The reappropriation of this iconic design is instantly recognizable to film enthusiasts and art admirers alike.

One of the challenges of developing the guide was pulling together elements from sources around the world—image stills, text, photographs and logos—into one cohesive, clear and polished piece. This was accomplished by using iconic elements throughout the guide. As the Savannah Film Festival approaches its 10th year, the accompanying guide has improved with each incarnation, while maintaining a high level of style and consistency in information design.

Juror Notes

“A program almost everyone would want to keep—a terrific souvenir of the festival.”
“Takes a potentially fleeting period of time—a film festival—and casts it in a lasting artifact. Not only does the metaphor of a film lend star credibility but also the elegance of the information suggests lasting delight.”

Collections: AIGA 365: 28 (2007)
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Information design
Format: Catalogue, Information graphic


Design firm
Savannah College of Art and Design
Creative director
David Duran
Art director
Scott Newman
Scott Newman
Production director
George Collazo
Production coordinator
Rachel Davies
Emily Green
Kennickell Printing
Printing method
Offset lithography
Binding method
Saddle stitch
French Dur-O-Tone Butcher Off-white, 100 lb. (cover), Cougar Natural, 80 lb. (inside)
Savannah College of Art and Design