Couples, 1980, no. 83
Couples, 1980, no. 83
Couples, 1980, no. 83
Couples, 1980, no. 83
Couples, 1980, no. 83
Couples, 1980, no. 83

Couples, 1980, no. 83

Seymour Chwast, New York, New York, 1980


Drawn before smoking was considered a public nuisance, Chwast’s cover symbolized the quintessential couples relationship. A portfolio of famous duos included James and Dolley Madison by Chwast, prince Rainier and Princess Grace by Zagorski, and Leda and the Swan by Shongut. “Coitus Topographicus,” a map combined with a page from a sex manual, rendered by Liz Gutowski, added a touch of whimsy to the proceedings.

Collections: Push Pin Graphic (1957-1980)
Discipline: Editorial design
Format: Magazine