Yevgeny Yevtuschenko: City of No, City of Yes
Yevgeny Yevtuschenko: City of No, City of Yes
Yevgeny Yevtuschenko: City of No, City of Yes
Yevgeny Yevtuschenko: City of No, City of Yes

Yevgeny Yevtuschenko: City of No, City of Yes

Greenberg Kingsley, New York, New York, 2000


The typical non-budget required us to keep all production “flourishes” to inexpensive ink tricks (in this case, reduced color palettes). It also meant no money for marketing; so we made the word “yes” in the title really big. Challenges included a lack of money and a marketing and product management team of two people. Also, some of the poems were in Russian and had to be reproduced in the Cyrillic alphabet. Both the keystroking and proofreading were hard on the eyes. I’m happiest with the pink disc. I’m also glad to have had the experience of working for clients who initiated a project out of personal interest. In this particular case, the client went through all the hoops of starting up a record company (UPC codes, copyright lawyers, distribution arrangements, etc.) just for this recording. God bless ’em.

Collections: Soundblast
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Package design
Format: Package, Album cover


Design firm
Greenberg Kingsley
Creative director/art director
D. Mark Kingsley
D. Mark Kingsley
Trim size
4 13/16 inches square
Univers, Univers Cyrillic, custom
A to Z Music Services
The Van Winkle Clef