Contemporary Athletics and Ancient Greek Ideals
Contemporary Athletics and Ancient Greek Ideals
Contemporary Athletics and Ancient Greek Ideals
Contemporary Athletics and Ancient Greek Ideals

Contemporary Athletics and Ancient Greek Ideals

University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, 2009


When I realized that the title contained such a nice pair of contrasting elements (contemporary athletics and ancient Greece), I knew the design should be a double-image illustration of the title. My first attempts involved photos of contemporary athletes with added laurels and togas, but I found the opposite approach much more effective.

Juror Notes

A wonderful concept. The typography has the good grace to step out of the limelight and cede the stage.

Collections: 50 Books | 50 Covers of 2009
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Book design
Format: Book cover


Design firm
University of Chicago Press
Art director
Jill Shimabukuro
Isaac Tobin
Andrew Bossi
Production coordinator
Joan Davies
University of Chicago Press
Janson, Ostia by Isaac Tobin
Jacket printer
Phoenix Color Corporation