Feed Forward Feedback
Feed Forward Feedback
Feed Forward Feedback
Feed Forward Feedback
Feed Forward Feedback
Feed Forward Feedback
Feed Forward Feedback
Feed Forward Feedback

Feed Forward Feedback

Studio Mercury, Brooklyn, New York, 2009


As creative professionals, our conscious and subconscious decisions define a language of process. Feed Forward Feedback is a 171-page publication that connects the acts of gathering, researching and making. We studied the RISD 2009 MFA graduates the way an archeologist studies culture. The campus became our excavation site where we ransacked 175 studios. We captured the psychological spaces of work with architectural photography. We seized dog-eared researched books and charcoal-dusted Xeroxed library materials. We exposed the sedimentation process of their thoughts through the details that time and the hand of the artist leave behind. We scanned fetishized objects found sprinkled around their studios: a hot-pink roll of bubble wrap, a shriveled balloon with the inscription “tamales” and other vintage oddities. Graduates proactively submitted their “private muses” to the production team. For some it was a quote, personal mantra or image. The collaborative writing turned into six electrostatic conversations discussing the role of the studio, the act of collecting, the rigor of writing and the vernacular of making. Released on the opening of the RISD Graduate Thesis Exhibition, the book gives the reader a way to penetrate the process of the intangible shifting into the tangible for emerging artists and designers.

Juror Notes

Designers understanding content; editors understanding design.

Collections: AIGA 365: 31 (2010)
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Promotional design and advertising
Format: Brochure


Design firm
Studio Mercury
Lucas Roy
Serena Kuo
Lucas Roy
Benjamin Peterson
John O’Keefe, Charlotte Potter, Chris Rose, Jessica Roundy
Mohawk, Options, True White, vellum, 80c and 80t
Trim size
7 x 9
Meta Serif, National
Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)