• Pockets Books Exhibition/AIGA/1966, catalogue
  • The Saturday Late Show, brochure
  • Papert, Koenig, Lois, Inc. Annual Report 1965
  • John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1965, annual report
  • The Educated Eye: II, record album
  • Antiworlds/The Poetry of Andre Vosnesensky, record album cover
  • The Role of the Computer in Civil Engineering, brochure
  • Museum of Science and Industry, poster
  • FDR:  Architect of an Era, book jacket
  • Le Canned Dress, package label
  • The Horn & Hardart Plan, booklet
  • Pepsi-Cola World September 1966, magazine cover
  • And They Lived Happily Ever After, booklet
  • The Making of the President: 1964, kit
  • Pepsi-Cola World December 1966, magazine cover
  • A Symposium on Materials Science and Engineering, booklet
  • Stop Swiping Cinzano Ashtrays.  Start Buying Cinzano Vermouth, poster
  • Art Directors Club of Los Angeles, brochure
  • Make Room for Daddy…starring Danny Thomas, booklet
  • XXXIII International Biennial Exhibition of Art, catalogue
  • Recent Still Life, exhibition catalogue
  • Mata Hari/Danseuse Extraordinaire, booklet
  • Restaurant & Waldorf Associates, Inc., annual report 1965
  • We Give You Fresh Vegetables Instead of Canned Music, poster
  • Inside Your Obese Patient a Thin One Signals To Be Let Out, brochure
  • Governor Rockefeller’s Air Pollution Law is the Toughest in the U.S.A…, poster
  • Half of the Battle in Depression Is Getting the Patient out of the Hospital, brochure