Water Matters: A Design Manual for Water Conservation in Buildings
Water Matters: A Design Manual for Water Conservation in Buildings
Water Matters: A Design Manual for Water Conservation in Buildings
Water Matters: A Design Manual for Water Conservation in Buildings
Water Matters: A Design Manual for Water Conservation in Buildings
Water Matters: A Design Manual for Water Conservation in Buildings
Water Matters: A Design Manual for Water Conservation in Buildings
Water Matters: A Design Manual for Water Conservation in Buildings

Water Matters: A Design Manual for Water Conservation in Buildings

Pentagram Design, New York, New York, 2010


Project brief: We were approached by the New York City Department of Design and Construction (DDC) to help them conceive a manual that clearly explained the very complex system of water supply and conservation in New York City. The finished manual needed to be used and understood by engineers and architects as well as anyone with interest in the topic of water conservation. How do you make such a weighty topic feel enjoyable and approachable while conveying loads of serious data?

Approach: We immediately looked at the diagrams and asked how we could translate mundane, banal data in a very fun and clear manner. Using the diagram as an entry point into this massive book of data, we then mixed two-dimensional and three-dimensional elements, photographic and drawn. We worked closely with the DDC team, including external architects and engineering consultants, creating an intelligent work flow and cohesive understanding of how the book should look and function. We knew we wanted to utilize color coding to help organize the book into sections and to help the reader sort through the information quickly. These colors were then used for all iconography, such as the efficiency-rating water droplets, which explain how efficiently a certain system works.

In keeping with the idea of conservation, we used an unbleached cover and recycled papers, which added to the tactile quality of the piece.

Effectiveness: The DDC had never previously ventured toward designing a manual with such clarity and graphic information. They believe that the design process truly helped organize an incredible amount of complex data on water that will be used in New York City in the present and the future. Due to its success, the DDC has asked us to design another manual dealing with the use of geothermal energy in New York.

For us, the manual is a success in that it allows all readers to be informed, engaged and entertained by such a serious topic.

Juror Notes

A weighty topic made enjoyable! Great to see a division of government approving and understanding great design.

Collections: 50 Books | 50 Covers of 2010
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Book design
Format: Book, Book cover