• “New York’s Worst Kept Secret”
  • Industrial Design
  • “I Found Out About Joan”
  • “Sure Fire”
  • Cattle Husbandry
  • “Music Sounds Best on Tape”
  • The Terrible Gustave Doré
  • Ad, booklet
  • “Alcoa Forecast, Hors d’oeuvre Tree Advertisement”
  • Man Without a Gun, promotion kit
  • Gilbert Tompkins, blotter
  • News Gothic—News Gothic Bold
  • World of Numbers
  • Five Essays on Klee
  • “Forecast: There’s a World of Aluminum…(rich in comforts)”
  • “In the first five months…”
  • The Hard Hours
  • “Puerto Rico will enchant you”
  • “Main Artery”
  • Local chemotherapy of mouth and throat
  • “Not Just Dim—But Dark!”
  • “The Clearest Road Into New York”
  • “Forecast: There’s a World of Aluminum…(Wall Mosaic)”
  • “The One They All Want Is the One To Serve”
  • Aluminum in Modern Architecture 2 Vols.
  • Baskerville & Baskerville Bold
  • “How to get away from them all—when you want to!”