• How To Invest In Stocks And Bonds, booklet
  • If We Bury The First Amendment Will We Rest In Peace? booklet
  • Maintenance Control for Airlines, brochure
  • Nautilus 5, corporate publication
  • Province of Ontario Council for the Arts, Fifth Report 1968/1969
  • RCA Annual Report 1968
  • RCA Electronic Age, Autumn 1968, corporate publication
  • System/3, card case
  • The Asphalt Moisture Barrier, brochure
  • The Common Manufacturing Information System, brochure
  • The Computer in Metal Casting Brochure
  • The Last Annual Report of the Torrington Manufacturing Company
  • The Programmers, brochure
  • The Search for Marketing Management, brochure
  • UARCO Annual Report
  • Wallace-Murray Corporation Annual Report 1968
  • A Point of View, brochure
  • ADLA, folder
  • Black Students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, booklet
  • City Magazine, February 1969
  • Eska-Deck, calorie cards
  • Homage to the Book, boxed folders
  • Merry Christmas and/or Happy Chanukah, card
  • Student Weekly, Background Report, Europe's New Look
  • The South, booklet
  • Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin, booklet
  • Yale Alumni Magazine, April 1969