• Pepsi-Cola World, October 1962, cover
  • Taking the Measure of Two Media, cover
  • The Antennae of Corporate Management, brochure
  • The Bell System Business Communications Seminar
  • The Canada Council Fifth Annual Report 1961–62, cover
  • The Expanding Scope of the Annual Report, booklet
  • The New York Offices of Reader’s Digest, brochure
  • Three Lectures, booklet
  • 1962 Annual School & Camp Directory, cover
  • 1963 Awards Competition, brochure
  • A Christmas Telegram, greeting folder and envelope
  • April 1963, magazine
  • Arshile Gorky, exhibition catalog
  • Art Direction, May ’62, cover
  • Christmas Card, 1962, booklet
  • Christmas Note Book, with envelope
  • Engagement Calendar for 1963
  • Feliz Año Nuevo, Christmas card
  • Germany & Colonies, stamp catalog cover
  • In the Cause of Human Welfare, brochurei
  • It’s Easy To Play Piano, booklet cover
  • Jacobs, exhibition announcement
  • Look Magazine, invitation folder
  • Proofreader’s Marks, Christmas card
  • Push Pin Graphic, Number 38, Fight Fat
  • Push Pin Graphic, Number 39, Holiday Issue
  • Push Pin Graphic, Number 40