EducationSuperHighway white paper
Studio Usher, New York, New York, 2013
Virtually every education reform idea in the U.S. is founded upon digital learning. But digital learning requires robust broadband and today, 72% of our K-12 schools do not have the speed they need. The nonprofit organization EducationSuperHighway sees a solution: the modernization of a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) program called E-rate that was created in 1996 to fund the move from dial-up to broadband in schools.
In 2013, Studio Usher was awarded an Ideas that Matter grant to develop print and digital materials for EducationSuperHighway and help them garner support for aggressive E-rate reform from the White House, Congress and FCC commissioners. The impact has been astounding.
Read the full case study with juror comments here: [http://www.aiga.org/case-study-education-super-highway/]
Juror Notes
“I appreciated how the design team took it upon themselves to secure the funding to focus on an effort that can change the education system. This project shows the power of design in supporting our children’s future.” —Cameron Campbell
- Design firm
- Studio Usher
- Client
- EducationSuperHighway