Nokia viNe

Nokia viNe

R/GA, London, England, 2008


Nokia viNe is a breakthrough mobile application that records photos, videos and music while geo-tagging them to a multimedia map of the user’s life. The mobile application simultaneously broadcasts to the web to form the ultimate social travelogue—an easy way to relive, search and share one’s mobile experiences in real time. I can vine, I can have a vine, or I can be vining. Nokia viNe evolves blogging from a solitary activity to a live geo-social digital experience.

Nokia viNe also represents a new way of approaching branding, in which name, design and functional interface are seamlessly combined—the first time intuitive brand design has served as both the branding and the interface of an application. Nokia viNe makes it easier than ever for users to preserve their experiences. And while users are recording their lives, they are creating and sharing the Nokia brand.

Juror Notes

A truly exceptional approach to branding; the interface itself is the brand. Very smart and delightful; effective, economical, brilliant. 

Collections: AIGA 365: 30 (2009)
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Brand and identity systems design
Format: Brand and identity systems, Website, Video