2003 annual report, Good Chemistry, Octel Corp.
2003 annual report, Good Chemistry, Octel Corp.
2003 annual report, Good Chemistry, Octel Corp.
2003 annual report, Good Chemistry, Octel Corp.
2003 annual report, Good Chemistry, Octel Corp.
2003 annual report, Good Chemistry, Octel Corp.

2003 annual report, Good Chemistry, Octel Corp.

Ideas On Purpose, New York, New York, 2004


Octel Corp. is a specialty chemicals company, with a 60 year history in fuel additives. Following its transition from a primarily fuel-focused company into a broad-based chemicals company, Octel needed an annual report that would showcase its growing diversity. IOP created the 2003 annual report with the theme “Good Chemistry,” highlighting accomplishments in both strategy and science, as well as featuring innovative products. It was produced both in print and on-line.

Collections: AIGA 365: 26 (2005)
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Corporate communications design
Format: Booklet


Design firm
Ideas On Purpose
Art director/creative director/designer
Darren Namaye
Nancy Garfinkel, Heather Ashworth
Print International
Printing method
Binding method
Perfect bound
Scheufelen, Job Parilux, 100 lb. cover and text, gloss
Octel Corp.