Homage to the Book
Bradbury Thompson, New York, New York, 1968
Fifty Books of the Year (1969)
Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Book design
- Art director
- Bradbury Thompson
- Designers
- Leonard Baskin, Joseph Blumenthal, Bert Clarke, Brooke Crutchley, Alvin Eisenman, Norman Ives, Joseph Low, Giovanni Mardersteig, Herbert Matter, Paul Rand, Roderick Stinehour, Bradbury Thompson, Georg Trump, Jan Tschichold, Carl Zahn, Hermann Zapf
- Editor
- Bradbury Thompson
- Size
- 9 x 12 inches
- Pages
- 88
- Quantity printed
- edition of 5,000
- Price
- not for sale
- Typefaces
- Aldus, Arrighi, Baskerville, bell, Bembo, Bodoni, Caslon, Centaur, Dante, Emerson, Garamond, Janson, Kennerley, Modern No. 8 Optima, Perpetua, Trump Mediaeval, Univers, Van Dijck, Walbaum
- Typesetters
- C.E. Weber, Stuttgart, Clarke & Way, Inc., Eastern Press, Inc., Finn Typographic, The Gehenna Press, Mackenzie & Harris, Inc., Spiral Press, Stamperia Valdonega, Sterlip Press, The Stinehour Press, Tri-Arts Press, University Printing House, Cambridge University, Yale Univserity Press
- Printers
- Clarke & Way, Inc. (letterpress), Eastern Press, Inc. (letterpress), The Gehenna Press (letterpress), Spiral Press (letterpress), Sterlip Press (letterpress), The Stinehour Press (letterpress), Herst Litho, Inc. (offset), The Meriden Gravure Company (offset), Sterlip Press (offset), Tri-Arts Press (offset), Sirocco Screenprints, Inc. (Screenprinting)
- Printing method
- offset, letterpress
- Papers
- Westvaco Clear Spring Book antique, eggshell, text, Coronation Litho dull, Pinnacle Book eggshell, Velvo Book Litho plate
- Binder
- J. Landowne Company
- Binding materials
- Interlaken AL3 850
- Endpapers
- Cockerell marbled handmade
- Endpaper supplies
- Andrews-Nelson-Whitehead
- Publisher
- Westvaco Corporation