Thymes Green Tea
Thymes Green Tea
Thymes Green Tea

Thymes Green Tea

Duffy & Partners, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2006


Charged with revitalizing a current Thymes brand of bath and body products, the new Green Tea packaging delivers the Japanese sensibilities of design: the craft of presentation, the brilliantly calculated use of color for punctuation, a precise picture of the art of gift wrapping—all enveloping a Thymes product line made from green tea and designed to give all the benefits that green tea offers.

Juror Notes

“A sense of Zen comes through with the choice of color, material and details—like the red string. Inviting.”
“Charming and appropriate. I wish the rope closures were functional instead of merely decorative.”
“Good attention to detail, indication of the green-tea essence through choice of color palette. Disclaimer: the button-string closure, while it reinforces Japanese ‘gift’ quality is purely decorative and not functional—a disappointment in user experience.”

Collections: AIGA 365: 28 (2007)
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Package design
Format: Package


Design firm
Duffy & Partners
Creative director
Dan Olson
Brenda Irlbeck, Esther Mun
Production artist
Mike White
Lisa Pemrick
Project manager
Bridget Schumacher