Mad Men, Film Titles

Mad Men, Film Titles

Imaginary Forces, New York, New York, 2007


The directors approached the opening title like a live-action film-title project. The disciplined use of camera angles combined with sophisticated graphics achieves insight into the main character’s subconscious. The character’s free fall from the office suite, past the skyscraper’s advertising imagery, captures the story of the show—a character who is calm on the outside and free-falling on the inside. The fall is cut short abruptly by his composed, reclining pose.

The closing image of the title sequence became the branding device for the show, as well as the image used in its print advertising and key art.

Collections: AIGA 365: 29 (2008)
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Brand and identity systems design
Format: Film title (Title sequence)