Noisemaker Films animated intro
SamataMason, Dundee, Illinois, 2003
Greg Samata wanted a distinctive identity for Noisemaker Films, a production company he established to produce, direct, and distribute short, experimental documentary and feature films. With an approximate production cost of $500, the result was an in-your-face, frankly disturbing animated opener and closer. In dead silence, a bald, screaming actor of indeterminate sex spews out rapidly disintegrating type across the screen that coalesces swiftly into the brand name. The clip, Samata cheerfully admits, “is a little scary. You don't forget it.” Because it’s so arresting, it leaves the audience with the idea that something interesting is about to happen on the screen.
Juror Notes
The absence of sound made the piece. “A typographic roar.” Susanna Dulkinys
AIGA 365: 25 (2004)
Typographic design
Motion graphic
- Design firm
- SamataMason
- Creative director
- Greg Samata
- Designer
- Greg Samata
- Production director
- Greg Samata
- Production coordinator
- Luis Macias
- Picture editor
- Luis Macias
- Producer
- Luis Macias
- Project manager
- Greg Samata
- Typeface
- Helvetica Nue 55 Roman
- Client
- Noisemaker Films