Sit Brochure

Sit Brochure

Lee Hunt Associates, New York, New York, 1996


The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show book was designed to give cable affiliates a hands-on sample of the elegance, pedigree, and excitement behind one of USA Network’s biggest annual shows. We accomplished this objective with design and copy that create a distinctly dog-flavored bond between the promotional piece and its audience.

On a visual level, we reconnected readers to the history of the dogs in their own lives by adopting the familiar and well-loved classic kids’ book design in which elegant illustrations are paired with bold words in easy-to-read type. The use of dog training commands as calls to action links the subject matter of the show (dogs) with its impressive ability to draw large and affluence audiences.

Together, the design and copy of USA’s Westminster Kennell Club Dog Show create an engaging, convincing, and enticing package that inspires affiliates to support USA’s marketing efforts with promotional support on the national and local levels.

Collections: Communication Graphics: 18 (1997)
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Promotional design and advertising
Format: Brochure, Promotion


Design firm
Lee Hunt Associates
Art director
Susanna Ko
Graphic designer
Susanna Ko
Gary Baseman, Various
Sharon Glassman
New Century Schoolbook, Liberty
USA Network