Sam Goody brand strategy
Sam Goody brand strategy
Sam Goody brand strategy
Sam Goody brand strategy
Sam Goody brand strategy
Sam Goody brand strategy
Sam Goody brand strategy

Sam Goody brand strategy

Gensler, New York, New York, 2001


Sam Goody’s goal was to capture a larger share of the huge, lucrative “Gen Y” market—teens and young adults 14 to 24 years old. To do this, they needed to re-energize their brand to speak to a younger audience. Gensler developed a long-term vision and strategy for the brand based on lifestyle rather than product—a big change for Sam Goody. Out of this strategy grew several approaches to brand positioning and tone of voice, each of which suggested a different graphic vocabulary.

Juror Notes

“Not only is this really good thinking, but it’s really well described—especially the theme of personalization and what it means to the customer experience.”

Collections: AIGA 365: 23 (2002)
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Brand and identity systems design
Format: Brand and identity systems, Brand identity, Corporate strategy, Corporate communication