• "Newton's Law"
  • "Gold Watch"
  • Eames Soft Pad Group, brochure
  • Exhibition "Groups," poster
  • Introducing the Volvo 164. promotion piece
  • "Toilet paper is necessary...."
  • A Television Notebook 1969, calendar
  • Boulez Conducts Stravinsky's Le Sacre Du Printemps, record cover
  • Concept 1, corporate publication
  • Strathmore on Opaques, promotional package
  • Mary McDonald Ludgin Memorial Collection of Liturgical Banners, catalogue
  • Israelis Devour Wimpys, poster
  • "Most travelling salesmen stories..."
  • "Sportsword Puzzle"
  • The Fisk Experience, Brochure
  • Boise Cascade 1968 Annual Report
  • Metropolitan Museum, poster
  • Dog Astrology Chart
  • "The 60 mph motel."
  • City Investing Company Annual Report 1969
  • CSS/CPS Workbook, brochure
  • "After 3 years ..."
  • "Suddenly it's 1932."
  • “Kalen”
  • "Newark"
  • AIGA 1969 Learning Materials Show, call for entries
  • "Call of the Wild"