• California in 1851, The Letters of Dame Shirley
  • Around the Horn in ’49: The Journal of The Hartford Union Mining and Trading Company, December, 1848 to September, 1849, With an Introduction by Oscar Lewis
  • New Helvetia Diary, A Record of Events Kept by John A. Sutter and his Clerks at New Helvetia, California, from September 9, 1845, to May 25, 1848
  • The Modern Writer
  • Leaves of Grass, Comprising all the poems written by Walt Whitman, Following the arrangement of the Edition of 1891–’2
  • California As It Is & As It May Be, Or A Guide to the Gold Region  
  • Journal of a Cruise to California and the Sandwich Islands in the United States Sloop-of-War Cyane, 1841–1844
  • Aldus Pius Manutius, With an Essay, Together with a leaf from the Aldine Hypnerotomachia Poliphili printed at Venice in 1499