Clement Mok

Clement Mok

Clement Mok, 1996


Clement Mok, his work and his agency, are perhaps best described as “media agnostic.” Creating meaningful connections between people, ideas, art, and technology is the focus of many design and consulting projects he is involved with — everything from cyberspace theme parks to expert publishing systems to major identity programs. His work has been published internationally and he has received hundreds of awards and citations from professional organizations. His designs have also been exhibited in museums and galleries in Europe and the Far East. He lectures about technology, identity, and intellectual rights at industry conferences and seminars. He has served on the AIGA National Board of Directors and is a charter member of the New Media Centers. He recently edited a book on interactive media for Graphis Books and wrote a book on identity and information design for Adobe Press.

Collections: AIGA Jurors (1996), Information Graphics: Design of Understanding
Discipline: Information design
Format: Information graphic


Clement Mok