Papercut, a 3D font
Papercut, a 3D font
Papercut, a 3D font

Papercut, a 3D font

Avi Haltovsky, Israel, Israel, 2001


Papercut is a modern font designed specifically for use in three-dimensional environments. Instead of taking an existing font and giving it three-dimensional characteristics, Papercut is carved out of a physical shape. The resulting letterforms are all recognizable when viewed from a particular angle. Each letter’s rotation is an important feature of this font, although the designer who uses it has the freedom to use any rotation they want.

Juror Notes

“It’s an unusual premise, and it’s surprising. It comes out with some amazing results. It’s an end to itself—there’s no application to it. It’s intriguing and worthwhile. Every character has a critical shape. Very interesting.”

“It’s really lovely to see it happen in front of your eyes.”

Collections: AIGA 365: 23 (2002)
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Typographic design
Format: Type design


Avi Haltovsky