Shiner Black Lager Packaging
Shiner Black Lager Packaging
Shiner Black Lager Packaging
Shiner Black Lager Packaging
Shiner Black Lager Packaging

Shiner Black Lager Packaging

McGarrah Jessee, Austin, Texas, 2007


In designing packaging for Shiner Bohemian Black Lager, we wanted the bottle and packaging to mirror the beer itself, which is dark and handcrafted. Every drop of Shiner is brewed in the little town of Shiner, Texas (population 2,070), where the brewery was founded 99 years ago, so there is a rich heritage that needed to come across. We felt the overall design should appear as though it could have been created at any point during Spoetzl brewery’s history.

The audience is twofold. First we have beer lovers, who make up a large part of our success story. Second are the beer connoisseurs, who possess a genuine appreciation for handcrafted brews and authentic recipes. It was important that the design be approachable to beer lovers and appear special to beer purists.

Collections: AIGA 365: 29 (2008)
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Package design
Format: Package


Design firm
McGarrah Jessee
Creative director
David Kampa
David Kampa
Production artist
Nicole Truly
David Kampa, Michael McCormick
Spoetzl Brewery