• Image Book 2008
  • James Franco Sends His Regrets
  • Proximity 002 (Cover)
  • Sustainable Design
  • WALL
  • Mostra Sesc de Artes
  • Office of Arts Education
  • Laser Awesome
  • Lapointe
  • 826 Valencia Products
  • Curl Conscious Campaign
  • Shakespeare in the Park 2008
  • Gitane Restaurant outdoor sign and mural
  • AIGA Design Camp Materials
  • Varoom
  • The 1st Birthday
  • 3/4 Polar Brochure
  • A Number of Numbers
  • Scandinavian Furniture in Milan
  • Bricmate
  • Hudson Gavin Martin ©h®is™as
  • Virginia Commonwealth University MFA Sculpture Program
  • HERE 08
  • NetApp
  • Interieurs
  • Retrouver
  • Weare scarf