• Dinner Program: Jon Secada
  • A Lie of the Mind Poster
  • Johnny Mathis
  • The Stadium Book
  • Lee Hunt Stationery
  • Pacific Design Center Contract Place/Product Focus
  • "The Old Men and K. C.," Dartmouth Magazine
  • Creative Search Stationery
  • Nike Town Holiday Bag
  • Byron Press Multimedia Logos
  • Acme rubber stamp letterhead stationery
  • Radius Annual Report
  • Potlatch Remarks on Remarque
  • Digital News Number 2, Volume 4 1993
  • Digital News Number 3, Volume 4 1993
  • VistaLite VL200X Flashing Safety Light
  • VistaLite VL200X Safety Light Clamp
  • "Don't Tread on Me," Rolling Stone Article
  • "David Letterman," Rolling Stone Article
  • Sherlock Holmes Poster
  • "Summer in the City" Poster
  • "Just Do It" Sign Language Poster
  • Chums Bush Pilot Cap
  • IBM Think T-Shirt
  • "Ace of Spades" poster for Ambassador Arts Alphabet
  • "The Hot List," Rolling Stone Article
  • Auto Emissions Octover/November 1993