• America’s Greatest Sales Vehicle
  • 2 Pre-Game Luncheons 2
  • If Doctors Prescribe, Buy, or Recommend
  • Fifth International Biennial of Contemporary Color Lithography
  • Going Back to School
  • H.L. Mencken
  • 650 in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bendel’s ABC’s
  • We Moved
  • Kraft Printing Co. Calendar—December Spread
  • Naugahyde
  • Paul Rand, exhibition
  • News about Sunrise Semester—WCBS-TV, letterhead
  • Happy Holiday Greeting to one and all
  • 3PO (Three Penny Opera)
  • Provincial’s Paper—vol. 24 no. 2, 1st Qtr., 1959
  • Mental Health, booklet
  • Ambar—She needn’t be wound up
  • Typewriter Folder ST-3
  • Art Directors Club Art Exhibit
  • Ambar—he needn’t blow his top
  • Keisen, brochure
  • Corporate Pension Plan
  • Venit! Vidit! Vicit!
  • The Printed Word
  • Tagged for Success
  • News Gothic—News Gothic Bold