• Polycillin, booklets
  • AIGA Packaging Call 1965
  • Folk Guitar in Ten Sessions, paperback cover
  • CBS Daytime Program Promotion 1964/65
  • Alice, portfolio
  • Derby Preakness Belmont, kit
  • Ages of Man, brochure
  • A Television Notebook 1965
  • U.S. Homemakers Commemorative 5c stamp
  • Davis, Brody & Associates, removal announcement
  • Advertising Design Associates, brochure
  • The Great Columnists, paperback cover
  • Creativity on Paper, exhibition announcement
  • Push Pin Graphic Number 47, booklet
  • Geigy Catalyst 16, booklet
  • The Man Who Wrote Dirty Books, book jacket
  • Forbes:  Capitalist Tool, poster
  • A Charlie Brown Christmas, letterhead
  • Monk, record album cover
  • The Dark Mirror, exhibition catalogue
  • Measuring the Effectiveness of Corporate Advertising, report
  • Paintings in the White House, book
  • A Tax Deduction Red Cross, folder with button
  • The Mormon Pioneers, record album cover
  • Sound of Harlem, record album cover
  • One Penny Black, book jacket
  • A History of American Popular Music, record album