• “The Generous Bandage”
  • “Haggle On Crane’s”
  • “Lemon”
  • “Now 10 Seconds”
  • “John, is that Billy coughing?”
  • “Divided We Stand”
  • “I. Miller builds a shoe”
  • “How much pain can you stand?”
  • “The Bloody Maria”
  • “Are you in a rut?”
  • “Does our billfold do all this?”
  • “The famous Italian designer suggested one change”
  • “Seventeen Danish (one is pure)”
  • “10,000,000 people watched these plays free”
  • “In 1949 we sold 2 Volkswagens in the U.S.A.”
  • “Renault runs rings inside other cars”
  • “Send for your free Eagle shirtkerchief”
  • “Some women should never wear slacks”
  • “The amazing story of a Zippo”
  • “Break the smoking habit—eat Dilly Beans”
  • “What kind of baby was Dr. Spock?”
  • “Five years from now it won’t be the same”
  • “Like to pull one off the page?”
  • “These 4 timbered Norman inns are worth the trip to France”
  • “Shall recommends 21 ways to make your car last longer”
  • “If your Harvey Probber chair wobbles, straighten your floor”
  • “You’re looking at the two cleanest things in a kitchen”