• "The Yardstick"
  • "Newton's Law"
  • "Toilet paper is necessary...."
  • "Most travelling salesmen stories..."
  • "Sportsword Puzzle"
  • "The 60 mph motel."
  • "After 3 years ..."
  • "Suddenly it's 1932."
  • "Call of the Wild"
  • "Conventions are a vital source.,."
  • "I like you just the way you are."
  • "A prominent New York stockbroker..."
  • "Use this handy coupon."
  • "While your turkey is turning...."
  • "Earth National Park"
  • "It takes you to extremes."
  • "Last night Mrs. Mary Powers..."
  • "Your front wheels steer the car...."
  • "A bar of dry skin, 19 cents."
  • "The best way to sell you..."
  • "Vacation in an experimental society."
  • "She just paid $14.95..."
  • "Don’t let our prices scare you "
  • "In memory of the 1,700,000 Americans..."
  • "Look at you, happy girl..."
  • "All we can tell you ..."
  • "It's ugly but it gets you there."