• California in 1846
  • The Doctor in History
  • Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus
  • Notes on The Merrymount Press and Its Work
  • The Life of Our Lord
  • St. Patrick at Tara, A Forest Play, Revived as The Thirty-third Grove Play Production
  • Some Unrecorded Letters of Caroline Norton, in the Altschul Collection of The Yale University Library
  • The Comedy of Dante Alighieri, Florentine by birth but not in conduct, Part I: Hell.
  • A Day with the Cow Column in 1843 and Recollections of My Boyhood
  • Turpin’s Chronicle. Codex Quartus Sancti Iacobi De Expedimento et Conversione Yspanie et Gallecie Editus a Beato Turpino Archiepiscopo
  • A California Gold Rush Miscellany
  • Journal of Pal du Ru (February 1 to May 8, 1700), Missionary Priest to Louisiana Translated with Introduction and Notes from a Manuscript in The Newberry Library
  • A Trip to the Prairies, and in the Interior of North America (1837–1838)
  • The Catalogue of the Collections of Joseph T. Tower, Jr., Class of 1921 in the Institute of Geographical Exploration, Harvard University
  • West Wind, The Life Story of Joseph Reddeford Walker, Knight of the Golden Horseshoe
  • John Adams’s Book, Being notes on a Record of the Births, Marriages and Deaths of Three Generations of the Adams Family 1734–1807
  • Pen-Knife Sketches, of Chips of the Old Block
  • The Heathen Chinee, Plain Language from Truthful James
  • Bibliography of the Writings of Edgar A. Poe
  • The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night A Plain and Literal Translation of The Arabian Nights Entertainments
  • The Expedition into California of the Venerable Padre Fray Junípero Serra and His Companions in the Year 1769
  • Some Thoughts on the Ornamented MSS. of the Middle Ages
  • John Peter Zenger, and His Fight for the Freedom of the American Press  Together with a Genuine Specimen of the New York Weekly Journal printed by John Peter Zenger
  • The Bashford Dean Collection of Arms and Armor in The Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration and Use of Arms and Armor, in all countries and in all times, together with some closely related subjects
  • The Spanish Occupation of California: Plan for Establishment of a Government; Junta or Council held at San Blas, May 16, 1768; Diario of the Expeditions made to California Assembled for this book