• Green Mansions
  • Yacht Designing and Planning
  • The Sonnets of William Shakespeare
  • The Duchess of Portland’s Museum
  • English Poetry of the Seventeenth Century
  • Alexander Legge 1866–1933, The Life Story of a Truly Great American
  • Memoirs of Count Bernstorff
  • Art Through the Ages, An Introduction to its History and Significance
  • Psalms of David
  • Here was a Man, A Romantic History of Sir Walter Raleigh
  • The Bible: Designed to be Read as Living Literature
  • Thoughts in the Half Light
  • Puss in Boots
  • Wah-To-Yah & The Taos Trail, Prairie Travel and Scalp Dances
  • A Star for Hansi
  • Palaces on Monday
  • The Architecture of H.H. Richardson and his Times
  • A Battle in Greece
  • Roller Skates
  • Aucassin and Nicolete
  • Tales of the Northwest
  • Life Without Principle
  • A Papermaking Pilgrimage to Japan, Korea and China
  • Letters to an Artist: From Vincent van Gogh to Anton Ridder van Rappard
  • The War in Outline, 1914–1918, A Complete History of the World War in 285 pages
  • The Puritan Pronaos, Studies in the Intellectual Life of New England in the Seventeenth Century
  • Cupid’s Horn Book, Songs and Ballads of Marriage and Cuckoldry