• Selected Fables
  • Mining & Hunting in the Far West, 1852–1870
  • The Lincoln Papers, The story of the collection with selections to July 4, 1861
  • Photo-graphic, 1949, The Annual of America’s leading photographers
  • The Interlude of Cervantes
  • California’s Best Wines
  • Painting Toward Architecture
  • Makers of Opera
  • D.H. Lawrence’s Letters to Bertrand Russell
  • The Divine Comedy
  • The Golden Mother Goose, 367 childhood favorites
  • Demian, the story of a youth
  • Wahn Oder der Teufel in Boston, Ein Strück in drei Akten
  • Zulu Woman
  • The Mysteries of Blair House
  • Essays of Montaigne
  • Supplement Two, The American Language, An inquiry into the development of English in the United States
  • The Violet (Das Veilchen), The history of a song
  • Lesser Crossroads, Edited by Hubert G. Schmidt from The Story of an Old Farm
  • A Russian Journal
  • Crusade in Europe
  • Cuba Libre
  • Ace High, the Frisco Detective; Or, The Girl Sport’s Double Game. A story of the Sierra and the Golden Gate City
  • The Canterbury Tales of Geoffrey Chaucer
  • The Prelude, with a selection from the shorter poems and sonnets
  • The Continental Tales of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • Ch’ing Ming Shang Ho, Spring Festival on the River, a scroll painting of the Ming Dynasty after a Sung Dynasty subject