• The Architecture of Islamic Iran: The Il Khanid Period
  • Newbery Medal Books: 1922–1955
  • The Sweet Flypaper of Life
  • The Complete book of Cheese
  • Seeing Through Arithmetic: 4
  • The Great Loochoo: A Study of Okinawan Village Life
  • Miss Ravenel’s Conversion:  From Secession to Loyalty
  • Sports Cars
  • Black Hawk: An Autobiography Ma-Ka-Tai-Me-She-Kia-Kiak
  • See and Say: Guarda e parla; Mira y habla; Regarde et parle
  • The Poems of William of Poitou
  • A Letter From Li Po and Other Poems
  • Bibliography of American Literature: Volume I: Henry Adams to Donn Byrne
  • Gregg Dictation Simplified, Second Edition
  • Psychology and Teaching
  • The Shingle Style: Architectural Theory and Design from Richardson to the Originals of Wright
  • The Shaping of Our Alphabet
  • Reading Literature (Exercises to accompany Better Reading 2: Literature)
  • House & Garden’s New Complete Book of Gardens
  • The McGraw-Hill Author’s Book
  • The Tree of Culture
  • See It Now
  • The Waldron Phoenix Belknap, Jr. Collection of Portraits and Silver
  • The Family of Man
  • Glass From The Corning Museum of Glass
  • Journal of a Cruise to California and the Sandwich Islands in the United States Sloop-of-War Cyane, 1841–1844
  • The Art of Indian Asia: Its Mythology and Transformations