• The Wine of Eternity, Short stories from the Latvian
  • A Testament
  • Diary of Titian Ramsay Peale, Oregon to California overland journey, September and October, 1841
  • William Bulmer and The Shakespeare Press, A biography of William Bulmer
  • Glass From the Ancient World
  • Darwin, Wallace, and the Theory of Natural Selection
  • The Bird Watcher’s Anthology (Limited Edition)
  • Books West Southwest, Essays on writers, their books and their land
  • Mary Margaret McBride’s Harvest of American Cooking
  • Ben Shahn: His Graphic Art
  • Central European Manuscripts in the Pierpont Morgan Library
  • The Sorrows of Priapus
  • This Hill, This Valley
  • A Civil War Artist at the Front, Edwin Forbes’ life studies of the great army
  • In Search of Man
  • Ralph Walker—Architect
  • The Dictionary of Antiques and the Decorative Arts
  • A History of France
  • Beautyway: A Navaho Ceremonial
  • A Contribution to the Heritage of Every American, The conservation activities of John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
  • Printing For Theater
  • Charles Donagh Maginnis, A selection of his essays and addresses