• Frederick
  • The Hard Hours
  • The Taming of the Shrew
  • A Year from Monday
  • Beginnings
  • A Dog’s Book of Bugs
  • Elegy
  • The Honeybees
  • Morris Louis 1912–1962
  • The Underground Gourmet
  • Man in the Modern World
  • What is a Grownup?
  • We Read: A to Z
  • I’ve Got a Name
  • Gilgamesh
  • Great Wolf and the Good Woodsman
  • The Bullfight: A Photographic Narrative
  • Wilderness and the American Mind
  • The Five-Day Course in Thinking
  • Teachers Guide for Discussion Pictures for Beginning Social Studies
  • Our Lord Don Quixote (Bollingen Series LXXXV Vol. 3)
  • The Irrational Journey
  • The Complete Poems of Marianne Moore
  • The Final War of Olly Winter
  • Asymmetric Typography
  • Making it Strange, 1
  • Principles of Biology, 2nd Edition