• Christmas card
  • Album Cover: Haydn Trumpet and Horn Concertos
  • Donnelley Sheet Fed Color Gravure
  • A Centennial—Lehman Brothers, 1850–1950
  • Poster exhibition
  • Television on Watch
  • A Gift for YOU, Sir!
  • Scope, Summer 1951
  • New Year’s card, Kula & Pratt
  • A Chick A Tick!
  • Impressions
  • Gen Autry Show—Station Promotion Kit
  • For the next 5 minutes you’re Editor!
  • Pallas Athene
  • Operating Dollars
  • Adena Offset
  • The Stake of Business in Public School Eduction
  • Crysticillin Fortified Duomatic
  • Schuykill Expressway
  • 8 Automobiles, flyer and catalog
  • Annual Meeting, Standard Oil Company (N.J.)
  • “m-m-m…moola-la!”
  • Back to school book
  • Legal Education Today
  • Therapeutic Formula Squibb
  • Moby Dick, or the Biography of a Book
  • Forty-two Engravings by Thomas Bewick