• Christmas Festival, special envelope
  • CBS-TV Network Manual No. 7
  • Tri-Arts Press 1953 Calendar
  • The E.F. Schmidt Calendar 1952
  • Frank Edwards
  • Academic Year Calendar
  • Janson
  • Stationery—Rancho Rockett
  • A.D. 2053
  • Most of the Time
  • Gothic Press, stationery
  • Summer Radio 1952
  • Roman Letter
  • Exhibition Announcement
  • Of Chicks and Man
  • The Nation’s Nightmare
  • Ralph Sutton, record cover
  • Olivetti, bulletin
  • Hadyn Symphonies 43 and 50
  • Impressions
  • Mexican Cross
  • Martin-Senour, executive stationery
  • Privine, detail folder
  • Matisse, catalogue
  • Stationery—Christ Church
  • The Love of Books
  • Testosterone Blotter