• Barrett Wendell and His Letters
  • Song of the Boat
  • Voyaging Southward from the Strait of Magellan
  • Nino
  • Jack Horner’s Pie: A Book of Nursery Rhymes
  • A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
  • The Colophon, A Quarterly for Bookmen
  • Wine Making for the Amateur
  • Edgar Allan Poe—Tales
  • Java Head
  • Domestic Manners of the Americans
  • South County Studies of Some Eighteenth Century Persons, Places & Conditions in the Portion of Rhode Island Called Narragansett
  • Gaston Lachaise: Sixteen Reproductions in Collotype of the Sculptor’s Work
  • A Dissertation upon English Typographical Founders and Founderies
  • One More Spring
  • The Time Machine: An Invention
  • The Colonial Background of the American Revolution: Four Essays in American Colonial History
  • The Tree of Culture
  • Original Letters, Etc., of Sir John Falstaff and His Friends
  • Documents Relating to New Netherland, 1624–1626, in The Henry E. Huntington Library
  • Faust: Parts One and Two
  • Photo-graphic, 1949, The Annual of America’s leading photographers
  • Fashion is Spinach
  • The Inaugural Address of Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Zest for Life, Recollections of a Philosophic Traveller
  • 9 Sketches
  • Democracy in America