• Swiss Typographic Monthly
  • Mirabella ("Nothing to Wear?")
  • Motor City
  • Family Values
  • Lasertechnics 1992 ("Back to Basics”)
  • Z Contemporary Cuisine
  • Southbeach, May-June 1993
  • Domus ("Cardinal's Hat")
  • Johnny Got His Gun
  • Tristram Shandy
  • Student Handbook 1994
  • Genentech, Inc. 1991
  • Sonic Youth, "Dirty"
  • AAUP Book, Jacket, and Journal Show 1993
  • Newsweek ("The New Voyeurism")
  • Shares and Other Fictions
  • The Andrews University 1991 Student Directory
  • L.A. Style ("Winger Country")
  • L.A. Style ("Malcolm X")
  • Graphis Nudes
  • Push! (Premiere Issue)
  • Cat, Thy Name Is Edith
  • Those Lips, Those Eyes
  • American Photography Seven
  • Uncle Wizzmo's New Used Car
  • Azur Restaurant
  • Time Magazine ("Canada")