• Eighteenth-Century Studies
  • American Bard
  • Lederle Bulletin, November 1950
  • Lederle Bulletin, February 1951
  • Lederle Bulletin, August 1951
  • Achromycin Ear Solution
  • The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • Seven Simeons, A Russian Tale
  • The Spiral Press Through Four Decades
  • Mount Vernon, Virginia, an illustrated handbook
  • Amos & Boris
  • The Western Pony
  • Egyptian Studies II; The Orientation of Hieroglyphics
  • The Poems of William Shakespeare
  • Dick Whittington and His Cat
  • The Grolier Club 1884–1967: An Informal History
  • Iran in the Ancient East
  • Once-Upon-A-Tyne: The Angling Art and Philosophy of Thomas Bewick
  • The Beast of Monsieur Racine
  • Cotton Is Environmentally Friendly: Crane Is Cotton
  • Landscape with Figures: Poems by Lionel Wiggam
  • Art of Latin America Since Independence
  • The Darkness and the Light, Photographs by Doris Ulmann