• CBS-TV Network Manual No. 7
  • Most of the Time
  • “Power to Communicate”
  • America’s Greatest Sales Vehicle
  • Coming…Men’s Wear
  • “Whispering Streets”
  • The Nation’s Nightmare
  • Corporate Pension Plan
  • Five Exciting New Shows
  • Corporate Life Insurance Plan
  • “P6M”
  • Look what’s up in L.A.!
  • FYI CBS-TV Network
  • Beyond This Place
  • Mr. Plus Comes Calling
  • Summertime…
  • A Chick A Tick!
  • Follow-Up
  • Gen Autry Show—Station Promotion Kit
  • For the next 5 minutes you’re Editor!
  • The Kentucky Derby, special envelope
  • I Know a Lot of Things
  • “m-m-m…moola-la!”
  • Thanksgiving Festival Kit
  • Her Memory is Your Headache
  • Years of Crisis, Where We Stand
  • We Put Stars in Their Eyes