• Elegy
  • Love, Lover, Loving
  • Willie Masters’ Lonesome Wife
  • Mime:  The Art of Etienne Decroux
  • The Grolier Club Iter Italicum
  • Six Months in the Sandwich Islands
  • Fables of a Jewish Aesop
  • Four Portrait Busts by Francesco Laurana
  • Ten Day Invasion of England
  • Schoolmaster Whackwell’s Wonderful Sons
  • The Hampton Album
  • Eight Poems
  • Images of the Dance
  • Lucy Crawford’s History of the White Mountains
  • Huntia
  • Ancient Maya Relief Sculpture
  • M. & M. Karolik Collection of American Water Colors and Drawings 1800–1875
  • Italian Influence on American Literature
  • The Sculpture of Picasso
  • William Caxton and His Quincentenary
  • Sindbad the Sailor
  • Good-Bye to All That
  • Four Oaks Farm, Four Oaks Library (Two Volume Set)
  • The Fifty Books of 1968
  • In Memory of My Feelings
  • Homage to the Book