• Heads
  • Three Exemplary Novels
  • The Continental Tales of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • Caroline Durieux: 43 Lithographs and Drawings
  • An 1855–56 Whitman Notebook
  • Letters of the Lewis and Clark Expedition
  • The Wisdom of Israel
  • Masterpieces of Sculpture from the National Gallery of Art
  • Pewter in America, Its Makers and Their Marks
  • Art in the Early Church
  • Mathematical Biophysics
  • France, A Modern History
  • Sonnets and Lyrics
  • History of World Art
  • Willie Masters’ Lonesome Wife
  • Zen and Japanese Culture
  • Capital Consumption and Adjustment
  • Finnegans Wake
  • Drawings for Dante’s Inferno
  • Music in Prints
  • Chronology of Books and Printing
  • American Cookery
  • A Masque of Reason
  • Henry Clay, Spokesman of the New West
  • The Pulitzer Prize Plays, 1918-1934
  • Columbia Dictionary of Modern European Literature
  • Steuben Glass