• Love and the Luxembourg
  • Japanese Expansion on the Asiatic Continent, A Study in the History of Japan with special reference to her international relations with China, Korea, and Russia
  • Audubon’s America: The Narrative and Experiences of John James Audubon
  • Treasure Island
  • Emerson-Clough Letters
  • Genius in Homespun (Robert Burns)
  • Music and the Cultivated Man: An Essay
  • Wines, for those who have forgotten and those who want to know
  • A Boy’s Will
  • Harvard University Handbook, An Official Guide
  • Biblio-Typographica: A Survey of Contemporary Fine Printing Style
  • Modern Composition and Rhetoric
  • Seven Simeons, A Russian Tale
  • Henry Clay, Spokesman of the New West
  • Alexander Legge 1866–1933, The Life Story of a Truly Great American
  • Art Through the Ages, An Introduction to its History and Significance
  • A Check List of Fifteenth Century Books in the Newberry Library and in Other Libraries of Chicago
  • The White Stranger, poems
  • Private Papers of James Boswell from Malahide Castle, Prepared for the Press by Geoffrey Scott and Frederick A. Pottle
  • Mathematics and the Imagination
  • The Georgics of Virgil
  • A Papermaking Pilgrimage to Japan, Korea and China
  • Flower and Fruit Prints of the 18th and Early 19th Centuries
  • Landscape with Figures: Poems by Lionel Wiggam
  • Boswell’s Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, LL.D.
  • Prairie Wings: Pen and Camera Flight Studies