• English Poetry of the Seventeenth Century
  • One More Spring
  • Publication Design
  • The Sonnets of William Shakespeare
  • Byways in Bookland
  • Lincoln’s New Salem
  • Life Makes Advances
  • Oliver Wiswell
  • The Sixties (RH/Rolling Stone)
  • Our Kind of People: American Groups and Rituals
  • Three Day Pass
  • Dragons of Eden
  • The Wonderful Adventures of Nils
  • Sparkle and Spin
  • Modern Mexican Art
  • Abba Eban:  An Autobiography
  • Of Una Jeffers
  • Georgia Birds
  • Faust, Parts One and Two
  • In America
  • Bibliology 101
  • D.H. Lawrence’s Letters to Bertrand Russell
  • Bibliology 101
  • The Juggler of Our Lady
  • Under Control
  • The Public and the Schools
  • A Natural History of Western Trees