• The Medium is the Massage
  • Christmas 1951—Gifts for Men and Boys Selected by Brooks Brothers
  • Alligator’s Toothache
  • The Magician of Lublin
  • Yankee Iron
  • The Exagggerations of Peter Prince
  • The Emily Post Cookbook
  • Current Advances in Dentistry 1952–53
  • John Marin
  • CBS Radio Program Premiere, letterhead
  • The Art of Jewish Cooking
  • Seven Little Monsters
  • Some Haystacks Don’t Even Have Any Needle
  • Student Voices/One
  • Modern French
  • The Creation
  • Modern Nationalities, A sociological study
  • Nightmares
  • The Bright Medusa
  • The Standards Program for Employees of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York
  • The New Group season series
  • The Inner City Mother Goose
  • Current Advances in Dentistry
  • Correct Writing, A course for secondary schools. Writing, book 1
  • American Standard Radiator Heating, catalogue R.52
  • Right On!
  • TriQuarterly 32: Anti-Object Art