• “Seagram in the World of Fine Wines”
  • Names That Register in Brazil
  • Highlights of Astronomy
  • Westvaco No. 204
  • Baskerville & Baskerville Bold
  • The Bi-Monthly Filmstrip
  • Teacher’s Guide for Attribute Games and Problems
  • Life and Times of Chaucer
  • The Creative Black Book
  • AIGA 1956 Design & Printing for Commerce Catalogue
  • ’58 Appointment Calendar
  • Owl
  • A-V Instruction: Materials & Methods
  • Columbia Dictionary of Modern European Literature
  • The Animal Family
  • Old Charleston, Twenty-four Woodcuts by Charles W. Smith
  • Until the Whistle Blows
  • The Final War of Olly Winter
  • The Science of Biology
  • Caleb and Kate
  • Harza
  • The New Drake Impressions
  • “Style” printer’s promotion wall calendars
  • Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Company Insurance Policy
  • Where’s My Hippopotamus?
  • The Sculpture of Jacques Lipchitz
  • Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies “Coastal Campaign” fund raising brochure