• The Bowker Lectures on Book Publishing—First Series
  • The Craft & Context of Translation
  • Pavel Tchelitchew Drawings
  • One Hundred Years of American Psychiatry 1844–1944
  • Sonnets and Lyrics
  • Blake’s Illustrations to the Divine Comedy
  • USDA Manager of American Agriculture
  • Johann Sebastian Bach: Heritage and Obligation
  • Some Oyster Recipes
  • Raphael’s Drawings
  • Bee Time Vine and Other Pieces, 1913–1927
  • Factory Folkways, A study of institutional structure and change
  • Meg: A Novel
  • Italian Manuscripts in the Pierpont Morgan Library
  • The Secular Journal of Thomas Merton
  • The Materials and Methods of Sculpture
  • The Shingle Style: Architectural Theory and Design from Richardson to the Originals of Wright
  • Columbia Dictionary of Modern European Literature
  • Giovanni Battista Piranesi
  • Letters of James Joyce, Volumes II and III
  • Educational Wastelands
  • The McGraw-Hill Author’s Book
  • Laurel Hill and Later
  • A Very Young Dancer
  • Charles Herbert Moore, Landscape Painter
  • Architecture and Town Planning in Colonial Connecticut
  • Faust, Parts One and Two